No it's not a religious retreat... I'm not even a religious Reverend!
I’m an Interfaith Minister, serving people of all faiths and none.
I don’t follow any particular religion myself, although if I had to choose a faith path, I’d say the Earth path.
I’d say I’m spiritual not religious and have a deep connection with the Earth and with nature and with creativity and life!
When I work with people 1:1 or in groups, it’s more important to me what you think and believe. I certainly won’t be pushing any of my beliefs and always aim to use inclusive language.
The meditation practice I teach is not aligned to any faith path and I’ve taught it to people of many differing beliefs over the past decade.
🤔 What else would be helpful to know?
👇 Would love to hear in the comments
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EARLYBIRD ends 23 August 2024. Bookings close 23 September 2024.