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jo03704 the well... in memory of a wonderful woman. Sonja Eckl, known to many as Ganga.

She inspired me to do Ministry Training. She connected me with lots of amazing people, bringing together therapists and others in the Health Oasis. She trusted me with her weddings and other ceremonies when she wasn't well enough to do them... She was so loved by so many and blessed so many couples with ceremonies over the years. She's left a deep hole in the community.

As there won't be a ceremony on Skye until January or February, I wanted to do something to honour her life, to mark her passing. I know she visited the well at Ashaig, not far from her home, and it came to me to take a wee pilgrimage there. To walk with her in my mind and my heart to the well. To ask the water for blessing and for holding of all her beloveds.

I set off in the most beautiful light and came back in the dark. It felt fitting. A chant came to me as I walked and this piece of music which I played to the water. Spiegel im Spiegel. Mirrors in the Mirror... Each of us reflects light and that light is reflected in all others.

Thankyou Sonja for bringing your light to the world, everyone who knew you shines brighter for it.

May you now return to the Light ✨️ with Love ♡

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Jo Royle is a Registered Interfaith Minister, a Qualified Coach and
a Certified Practitioner of Havening Techniques ®.
Havening Techniques is a registered trade mark of Ronald Ruden, 15 East 91st Street, New York.

©2024 by Rev Jo Royle

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