In no particular order...
1. Because you're curious about what it might bring to your life
2. To work through childhood trauma
3. Because you've received bad news about your health... or someone else's
4. To commit to your own spiritual growth
5. Because sometimes it's easier to talk through the day to day ups and downs of your life with someone not connected
6. To get more comfortable with your death
7. Because you want support to work through a life transition, e.g. marriage, children leaving home, separation, retirement, etc.
8. To tell your story and have it heard... witnessed
9. Because you want to identify, feel and process your emotions
10. To process recent grief or grief from the past you've never dealt with
11. Because you're going through treatment and need some support
12. To work with a fear or phobia which holds you back
13. Because you want to explore your beliefs and your religion or spirituality
14. To get clarity on where next in your life
15. Because your life feels tough right now
16. To connect with more joy every day
17. Because you have an event coming up which feels almost impossible to attend
18. To work through a traumatic event from your past
19. Because your intuition tells you it's a good idea
20. To clear and release what's holding you back to live your best life!
Interested in exploring more? Read more and book a free consultation session HERE
If you decide you want to go ahead with some sessions, they're priced on a sliding scale... you decide what to pay.
♡ Jo