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If your spiritual being is seeking accompaniment in this human experience...

You are in the right place.

You are so welcome here

Whether you feel you're just starting out on your spiritual journey... or looking to go deeper... you've found your way here for a reason. 

I believe we're guided in life and if we can stay open to the nudges and synchronicities life presents
we can remember why we came here... remember our life is sacred...

and live the life we came to live.

Let me help you live the life you came here to live...


Inviting in all that supports you... walking alongside you as a soul friend, in deep surrender... holding space for you to be with whatever arises... holding a vision, for you, of wholeness and a fully realised life, whatever that may mean for you.

Havening Techniques ®

This powerful touch therapy generates delta brainwave activity, changing the electro-chemical activity in the brain, specifically the amygdala, and de-links emotion from traumatic memories. Memories can be related to separation & grief, abuse & childhood trauma, physical ill health & pain, the stress, fear and anxiety of living in a pandemic, phobias & more.


Ceremonies of Healing

Working with you to craft simple or elaborate, powerful healing ceremonies to honour loss, separation, grief and death... enabling you to let go of what no longer serves you in order to step into all that does.

Ceremonies of Union

Working with you to co-create beautifully crafted, truly personal commitment, marriage and vow renewal ceremonies including poems, songs, dances, body prayers, rituals, nature's elements, symbols and language to honour you, your relationship and any relationship you have with nature or a faith path.

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Women Holding Hands

Circles of Women

Bringing together women to share the experience of life's journey... to witness one another... to witness oneself through the mirroring in another... to find joy in the connection of being in circle... to bond through vulnerability... to know we are not alone, but all one.

Effortless Meditation

Learn a super accessible 20 minute daily practice bringing physical, mental, emotional and spiritual benefits including reduced stress, clarity of purpose, access to intuition, mindfulness, healing and connection.

Meditation by the Sea
Rev Jo Royle in nature, holding ceremony

I truly believe what the world needs most right now is women in their power, surrendering to their inner wisdom and living the lives they came here to live.

Rev Jo Royle

"Rooted in my sovereignty
I rise in my feminine power and wisdom
and surrender myself to being a channel
for the Presence of Love."

Exploring Life Through Ceremony Women’s Circle

Autumn/Winter 2024

Suppose you could claim ceremony as your own… a powerful tool to help navigate life.

This circle is for you if

… you’re intrigued by ceremony and what it may offer you

… you want deep connection with a community of women, in nurturing space, which will help you navigate all that life brings

… you’re facing challenges, transitions, thresholds, endings or new beginnings in life or would just welcome some support

Zoom group sessions and
in nature ceremonies

Places are limited.


For a wee sprinkling of magic... a gift... a blessing...                                                            a connection to nature as the wheel of the year turns

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